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s-class hero blast is one of the most enigmatic characters in one punch man there is a lot you may not know about him like did you know he had a son did you know he had dimensional powers and can manipulate the reality of the cosmos no way did you know he leads the avengers did you know that he’s the one that saves tatsumaki i am so confused right now exactly this man is one of the most important characters in the entire one punch man manga with the release of chapter 166 it showed us what blast is capable of and what’s his story that’s right it’s time to go deep in blastand why he’s the highest ranked hero in history blast sits on the top of the hero association rankings since the everyday he joined them that was at least 20years ago even though he’s the strongest hero blast rarely engages with monsters just like saitama he treats the hero jobas a hobby and pursues his own goal.
instead now when i say he treats this job as a hobby it’s not in the same way as saitama you could probably find ourbold caped hero in cz running around frantically to fight a monster from time to time and he’s always there to fight a major threat may it be a meteor a superstrong sea creature a human turned monster or anything else on the other hand nobody knows blast’s whereabouts unless he tells the head of the hero association directly they don’t know where he is or what he’s doing at any given time in fact many have raised concerns about blast’s behavior in the hebrew association but he is considered to be an exception due to his overwhelming strength they also believe that blasts will come to save the day when humanity is endangered sich theminister officer of justice at the hero association stated that blast cannot be ordered around like the other heroes simply.
because of the level he’s that’s right my friends he’s a chad he’s built different however don’t get the wrong idea this doesn’t mean that blas exploits the hero association and he’s not using his powers to help people we’ll explain his hobbies later in the video after explaining a few more aspects to him that are important for the context since he’s so mysterious we’ve only had a few chances to actually see blast we saw his silhouette for the first time in chapter85 of the manga and we actually got to see him in chapter 139 he was indeedsexy gorgeous and lived up to expectations so much so that you know when he appeared in chapter 159 if you saw that everyone practically busted enough from no homo whilst blast suit was crisp and clean in the past it has mouth damage and scars presumably sustained from his many battles.
he also wears shades and has a scar running across his face the outline of his irises a wavy black pattern as opposed to just a consistent outline seen in other characters which hints at the fact that he wears lenses fubuki mentioned that blast can shoot laser beams from his eyes however boss’s son in the web comic who has the same eyes explains that he has lenses for gauging the environment to give data to the user and it’s not an offensive weapon however in chapter 166 we found out that blast understands the cosmos so the rumor fabuki mentioned can still hold to be true as the energy heuses can create anything of his desires long-term one-punch man fans you know if you were around around six years ago we as a community believed that blast was not in the manga and this was because it was linked to the statement made to tatsumaki that she shouldn’t rely upon a hero to come save the day instead use her own power and resilience to strive forward as a hero this led many of us to believe for years upon years that blast must have left society alone.
because he wanted the world to adapt and change for the better rather than creating a culture that expected him to save the day and an over-reliance on heroes whenever something went wrong as we know blast only appears when a god level threat presents itself to destroy humanity we now have the answer why this is the case boy were we wrong six years ago and remember those theories and iwas a part of it too we made theories that blast could be saitama remember those theories from six to eight years what were we thinking so unlike a lot ofa and s-class heroes who look down upon weaker heroes and seem to place themselves on a pedestal blast is far from that from his interaction with saitama flashy flash and monaco in chapter 157 of the manga the number one hero showed qualities that suit a hero the best even though the three were in possession of a mysterious cube which was used by god to bless people he calmly inquired.
if they had accepted god’s offer even when flashy flash tried to test blast his true abilities with his fastest attacks blast easily dodged him and asked him to calm down son and even took his name and ranked implying that blast is aware of everything that’s going on in the world this shows some extreme self-awareness and the core ofblas’s character is heroic and understands that people especially the ones who are strong might grow skeptical of his abilities if he does not show up for an extended period of time although in chapter 157 he was waited out to see monaco since she’s a monster because it didn’t seem like the monster was kept as prisoner still he asked about the situation with monaco first and calmly listen to saitama who’s usually ignored by a and s-class heroes due to the hierarchy system the three paired into pitch black hole in chapter 137 where the god was hiding whilst they were underground it looks like a big human-like monster the light emanating from it hardly illuminated even the slightest portion of god’s head making it nearly impossible to comprehend the immensity of this hull.
even now it appears that the hole was somewhere else in the galaxy rather than on earth butthe three couldn’t see it because it was completely dark on the other hand psychos and orochi perceived god as avast planet-like being that resembles brain cells and the universe’s structure with a surface similar to planet jupiter later when god confronts the homeless emperor to seize his life and power before too much of his identity is exposed to zombie man we finally get a clearer picture of this supposed god here it appears as a massive titan-like being composed of earth in a lovely lush garden god appeared as blas in mangachapter 156 and attempted to deceive tatsumaki into thinking that her savior had returned to ada revealing to us that this god creature has knowledge and comprehends the origin of most heroes and their intentions and dreams clearly showcasing to us that this god characteris omnipresent and omniscient to some extent in the very same way god tried to bait garu into taking his power in chapter 163.
however garo saw throughthis and slapped away god’s handdeclining the offer but god transferreda chunk of its power to god during thatsmall physical contact giving birth tocosmic god this is all linked to themysterious cubes that god uses and blastis pursuing this entire time blast isaware of them and his entire mission inlife is to stop his release a lot ofpeople in our community that have thenotification bell on they believe thatgod’s power was sealed into those cubesand he uses them to give powers topeople and to find a worthy sacrifice tofulfill the destiny mentioned in anancient mural deep underground for thoseunaware the mural states that god willbe resurrected when a worthy sacrificeis found this theory automaticallyexplains why everybody can’t lift thesecubes all the beings who receive god’sblessings have become dragon levelthreats or above with ease this supposedbeing can literally make people intodragon level threats with just afraction of his power just try toimagine how strong he scales it’s equalto saitama per se so what is god’sobjective though like what would it wantto achieve after getting unsealedrevenge maybe universe domination sureseems like it i mean just think about ita planet like earth is insignificant inthe grander scale of things blast isopening multiple dimensions and visitingmultiple planets hence earth is just astepping stone.
from chapter 156 of the manga we get to see the silhouette of blast’s avengers these beings could belong to another planet dimension or even another galaxy from the looks of it those heroes or beings are close to blast in terms of power from the events of chapter 162 we know that blast and his avengers their full-time job is to prevent god’s resurrection garo’s cosmic form was so strong that blast had to jump into the fight to save the planetas this is the strongest being god has created on earth blast definitely knows more about god than what he shows and it could be related to god’s true goal for what we know this god could be trying to destroy the whole galaxy always trying to become an old knowing celestial being right now it would be fair to assume that this god was an all-knowing being before as godot stated that he completely understands how the cosmos functions the manga explained this by saying that the monster association used monster cells which turned people into one from their appearance they looked like god which points yet again thatsome monsters and strong beings are from this celestial as we can see from the webcomic we see adam and eve essentially stating that the human race are weak.
butadapt to the environment the best and mymask also tells the history that theworld went through multiple errorsbecause of war and things of evil naturewhom this god character would haveinfluenced since his mural includeshumans and dinosaurs from ancient timesgod might have blessed someone with anability to make these monster cells andprovide them to orochi as a means ofexterminating humanity therefore saitamais the individual that unlocked hislimits of humans and adapted to the newera being the direct antithesis to god’sobjective and helping blast after allthis supposed god knows how tomanipulate people he sure does becausein chapter 109 during homeless emperor’sflashback homeless emperor claimed thathe was a regular person who had becomeweary in life in this cruel world afterlosing his job and means of existence asa result of the heinous actions ofsociety so he made the decision to killhimself with the goal of uniting withmother earthodd appeared in front of him as ahumanoid shape composed of swirling airit informed homeless emperor that he wascorrect people aren’t stupid.
but godmade it clear that he didn’t have to dieinstead it gave the homeless emperor theability to deal with people therebyelevating him to a dragon level threatgod must have been aware of homelessemperor’s story in which he developedanger towards humanity blast is a majorinfluence on major superheroes tatsumakishares a deep bond with him who oncesaved her from a hybrid monster and gaveher an ideology to follow for the restof her life my mask the class a rank onesuperhero could easily become s-classonce was saved by blast when a my maskhad a terrible breakdown he rememberedblast’s word don’t worry it’s safe nowand that helped him calm down blast alsohas a son named blue in the webcomicblue is also a hero however he didn’tside with the hero association andinstead founded the neo heroes as analternative due to the world entering anew era while we don’t know how oftenthe two contact blues abilities do makeit seem like he received some sort oftraining from his father now that blastis finally engaging in an on-screenfight we know just how strong he iswhile we considered him to be one of thestrongest characters in the verse hisabilities have surpassed ourexpectations we know that blast’s mainpower is his ability to teleport aninfinity symbol is formed after he bumpshis fists which then creates a portalthat blas uses to travel throughdimension.
he can use this to teleport any living being including himself or anything else we were excited to see how last might use this in battle and guess what he’s insane with it blast’s usual sequence is to force his opponent to get stuck in a loop of interdimensional travel by getting his opponents to dodgeone portal while catching them off guard and placing another portal in theirblind spot the same way he forced garoin chapter 166 combined with his gravity knuckles this attack should be enough to get rid of most enemies this force teleportation is an endless process were the only time you enter your original dimension is to get clobbered blast can also use this to force the enemy into another dimension which they can’t come back from as simple as that these forced teleportations are super hard to break from only those that are god level threats or above should be able to break free from this cycle using their insane speed.
but it doesn’t seemlike this happens often if at all blastwas extremely surprised by garu’s escapeas if this was the first time it hasever occurred the reason garo was ableto is because he’s similar to blast heunderstands the energy of the cosmostherefore able to copy abilities waymore easier than before and mold theenvironment to his liking furthermoreblast’s gravity knuckles are no joke thespears around blast’s wrists areconcentrated gravitational areas thatdeal explosive amounts of damage oncontact this means that with every punchit has gravitational weight and pullbehind it making it even moredevastating than any other s-class herothey can’t even scale to this levelblast is just built differently reachingplanetary buster level in fact we areplanning to make an entire video powerscaling blast in the future so make sureto smash the like button and hit thenotification bell what’s more impressiveis blast speed though he outsped flashyflash’s attack off of pure reflexes inchapter 137 this was flashy flash’s topspeed as he stated himself this issupposedly the fastest man on the entireplanet but he essentially got no dippedby blasts in that category however hisfeat against garo makes him a true speeddemon even though he was flabbergasteddue to garu’s ability to instantlyperfect his attack blast didn’t take asingle ounce of damage from garu’scombined barrage of nuclear fissionfists and gravity knuckles blastteleported all the attacks into the skyand honestly this kind of makes himbroken .
therefore it’s not even like that blast limitation was having to bump hisfist to create portals this guy can justspam that garo and platinum sperm created a constellation in the sky with their impacts in 13 microseconds which is absolutely mind-bending to even comprehend don’t take my word for it just take a look at this guy alright i thought we had a degree in animesigns but boy this is something else so distance equals oh oh he got debunkedstupid however with cosmic garo hisattack speed was on par with saitama’s normal consecutive punches in terms of speed it’s scaling even higher so if blast is keeping up with garo in his cosmic form it already puts him above pros and explains the god level threat she deals with in the avengers team saving the planet multiple times from the infinite amount of threats that come from different planets or dimensions .
but without anyone knowing or getting credit for it if you’re still not grasping justhow big of a fight this was right nowliterally nobody except for blast andsaitama can stand up against garu nobodyblast seems to have an extremely deepunderstanding of the universe so he canaccurately tell the outcome of anyattack in under a second these dudes canliterally play around with the naturalorder of the universe no matter who thevictor is these two guys are only belowsaitama and god himself in terms ofstrength this is a new era of one punchrun that we are entering the strongestare going to battle it out or rather thestrongest being we know of are going tobattle it out each of these beings thatare in the avengers team should be on alevel comparable to blast there’s even aboros clone amongst them or at least they look like that must be from thesame race blast is quite literally theideal figure for the strongest hero coolcharacter design wisdom unmatched speedstrength overpowered ability and closeto zero weaknesses god i love this manbro i love this man anyway if you likethis video then go check out our videoon king and why he is so utterly brokenthat he could probably be blasting onepunch all right less than one punch likehalf a punch